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Grayshott & Hindhead Institute & Village Hall - Registered Charity No:- 301837


14th June 2024

The Annual General Meeting of the Grayshott & Hindhead Institute & Village Hall (Grayshott Village Hall) will be held on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at 8.00pm in the Studio.


18th September 2023

The long-awaited mobile 'phone mast was installed today.


24th June 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the Grayshott & Hindhead Institute & Village Hall (Grayshott Village Hall) will be held on Tuesday 11th July 2023 at 8.00pm in the Studio.


June 2022

The Village Hall decorated with bunting for the Jubilee.


1st September 2020

The Annual General Meeting of the Grayshott & Hindhead Institute & Village Hall (Grayshott Village Hall) will be held on Tuesday 6th October 2020 at 8.00pm in the Main Hall and on Zoom.


1st July 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the Grayshott & Hindhead Institute & Village Hall (Grayshott Village Hall) will be held on Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 8.00pm in the Studio.



1st July 2018

The Annual General Meeting of the Grayshott & Hindhead Institute & Village Hall (Grayshott Village Hall) will be held on Tuesday 10th July at 8.00pm in the Studio.


15th July 2017

The Common Room is being redecorated during August 2017 so it will not be available for use. Regular users are being moved to other spaces. If you have any queries about this please contact Tony Legat -


31st May 2015

The building now known as the Studio was built in 1906 as an extension to the main building as more room was needed. It was then known as the Small Hall and was mainly used as a gym. 

In the mid 1970s the building was leased to Hampshire County Council for the Library Service; an arrangement that lasted for approximately 40 years. Hampshire County Council decided to close the Library in Grayshott at the end of 2014 and the building was vacated at the end of December 2014. 

Four months of hard work followed, including removing in excess of 10,000 nails from the floor, and the Studio opened in May 2015.


11th February 2013

Grayshott Village Hall have acquired a new coffee machine. This Buffalo machine will make 2.2 litres of real coffee in a few minutes, and we have also purchased six additional 'thermos' jugs, enabling any user of the hall to pre-prepare up to 84 cups of premium coffee. Full instructions have been provided.


Pottery donates Village Hall ceramic tableware - 27 April 2009

Back Left to right... Stephen Penny, Graham Pullen & Chris Greenaway
Front Left to right.... Phil Bates, Barbie McSean and Peter Budd

Grayshott Village Hall is set to receive around 800 pieces of new ceramic tableware thanks to Grayshott Pottery’s Community Fund. The fund, that was set up 2 years ago when Grayshott Pottery became an Employee Trust, is intended to sponsor ‘local causes’ and this week the Executive Committee for the Village Hall met with Chris Greenaway and Phil Bates at Grayshott Pottery, to choose the new set of ceramics.

Stephen Penny, Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee, said, ‘The generosity of Grayshott Pottery in providing a range of stylish table ware has put 'the icing on the cake' to the recently refurbished kitchen at the Village Hall. It will also benefit many Village organisations for years to come. I am delighted that such valuable support has come from a Grayshott based business.’

Chris Greenaway, Sales and Marketing Director, for Grayshott Pottery, said ‘ It is a real pleasure for our business to help out in this way. We felt that this was a great cause and we hope that all the local community will be able to benefit whenever a local celebration or function is held at Grayshott Village Hall. We expect that the hall will be able to take delivery of the ceramics, which is our 'Tenmoku' design, around the end of July'.

For more information about products and tours of Grayshott Pottery please call 01428 604404.

Successful year for Grayshott Village Hall - 19 Nov 2008

Users of the Grayshott Village Hall gathered recently to celebrate a successful year for this ever popular and well used Village facility. The chairman of the management committee reported on a programme of improvement that has seen three major projects come to fruition:- the refurbishment of the upstairs Common Room, the provision of an outside play-area for the pre-school playgroup and a complete refit of the kitchen.

The main event of the evening was the formal opening of the new kitchen by the Chairman of Grayshott Parish Council, Clive Slaughter. Before cutting the ceremonial ribbon Mr Slaughter thanked all those involved in the refurbishment works. He also remarked on the foresight of the founders of the hall who, over 100 years ago, constructed a building of such generous proportions that it able to meet the needs of the Village in the 21st century.

The works in the kitchen included new cupboards, worktops and flooring together with an upgraded hot water supply and fitted dishwasher. The committee plan to provide new crockery and utensils as soon as funds permit.


The end of an era at Grayshott Village Hall - 25 Jul 2008

Last Friday evening (25th July) over forty people gathered in the Grayshott Village Hall to say farewell to the caretaker Jo Edser and her husband John. A buffet, supplied by the Committee and organised by Mrs. Pat Barrett and Ms Barbie McSean, and a bar welcomed the guests. Present were many representatives of Hall’s User groups, Committee Members passed and present, Grayshott Parish Council, Grayshott Village Archive and Party in Grayshott.


In his farewell speech to Jo, Stephen Penny, Chairman of Grayshott Village Hall Management Committee welcomed everyone to the event. He said that whilst Jo was officially the caretaker, John had always been involved and they had, indeed, become a double act making it more a vocation, rather than just a job. After nearly eleven years in the post Jo and John had become an integral part of Village Hall life as well of the village as a whole.

Much had changed in that time, with the village now busier than ever and bookings at record levels. The enthusiasm with which they have both carried out the role has been one of the key factors in this success story. There was general agreement from everyone in the room that Jo, John and their family would be very much missed, but pleasure that they were not moving away.

Mr. Penny concluded by thanking Jo and John for their hard work, good humour, dedication and enthusiasm over the last eleven years and repeated that it had been a pleasure working with them.

Barbie McSean, Treasurer of the Grayshott Village Hall Management Committee, then presented Jo with a bouquet of flowers, a gift cheque and a card inscribed with the names of all those organisations and individuals who had contributed. Many other cards were also presented, including one, with their own gift, from the Grayshott W.I. presented by Mrs. Pat Archer.

In reply, John Edser on behalf of Jo and himself, thanked everyone for coming and for the gifts and good wishes. He said that they were overwhelmed by the occasion. They had both very much enjoyed their time at the Hall and would, in many ways, miss it. However, they intended to continue to be involved in Village life and take an interest in activities at the Village Hall. He assured everyone that, having met the new Caretaker and his family - Jim and Becky Hardy - who take over on 11th August, he was certain they were leaving their post in very good hands.



Grayshott Golf Society supports Village Hall - 10 Jan 2008

Left to Right: Liam Duncan founder member of The Grayshott Golf Society,
Steve Georgii member of The Village Hall Management Committee,
Barbie McSean Treasurer of The Village Hall Management Committee,
Peter Budd Minute Secretary of The Village Hall Management Committee,
Stephen Penny Chairman of The Village Hall Management Committee,
Nick Goodchild Treasurer of The Grayshott Golf Society,
Phil Bates member of The Grayshott Golf Society
and individual winner of the Christmas Golf Day at Milford.

At their Traditional Annual Christmas golf day held at Milford Golf Club, The Grayshott Golf Society members unanimously agreed to donate £1,000 pounds towards the much-needed refurbishment of the kitchen in Grayshott Village Hall.

Nick Goodchild Treasurer of The Grayshott Golf Society said " Throughout 2007 we have raised money at our Golf Days for worthy causes both locally and national and this year it was decided to donate some of this money to Grayshott Village Hall because of the importance of this amenity to the local Community which I know includes every age group. Our members are delighted to be able to support such a worthwhile cause that will benefit many ".

Barbie McSean Treasurer of Grayshott Village Hall Management Committee said she was "over the moon" receiving this unexpected donation, what a great Christmas present for the Village. "On behalf of The Management Committee I am thrilled to accept this donation from The Grayshott Golf Society towards our kitchen refurbishment. We will be installing a new gas water boiler in 2008 and this donation will cover the cost of the boiler. This improvement is much needed as the current water heater is insufficient when the halls are in heavy use - this will be an immediate benefit to all the users of the hall."

Barbie went on to say, we are very pleased that the Grayshott Golf Society through this donation has become " A Friend Of Grayshott Village Hall " and has joined other groups, businesses and residents in supporting our running and refurbishment costs which are increasing yearly.

For further information about this please contact me on 01428 606922 or email